his hands, sticky with maple syrup,
find my face as he crawls across the bed toward me.
he smiles and kisses my cheek and nuzzles into my neck.
mama...you are sooooooo beautiful.
through tears, i respond, "i love you, baby. thank you."
i love you, too-too.
he curls his tiny body into mine,
and asks if we can watch dinosaur train on my computer.
my three year old is my medicine.
better than the percocet,
better than the ativan,
better than the antibiotics.
and there is no overdosing on his sweetness.
i am doing well.
my abdomen was opened from one hip to the other.
lymph nodes? no cancer.
ovaries? no cancer.
operation radical-hysterectomy? success.
menopause will have to wait.
we kicked some cervical-cancer-ass.
two weeks. two weeks to see what path we take.
will this be enough?
will there be more?
i will leave that to the doctors to worry about.
in the meantime, as i type,
liam is attending his first day at school.
we have halloween costumes to plan.
summer produce to prepare for the shorter days ahead.
i have photos to edit.
lessons to plan.
and friends to catch up with.
life is good.
i will never say that again
and not really mean it.