"kathleen, please call me back.
i have great news for you and i don't
want to leave it in a message,"
said laura, dr. abbas' nurse.
i rang back as fast as i could.
"dr. abbas wanted me to be sure to
tell you that your biopsy results
pristine!" she said, excitedly.
nine lymph nodes.
my ovaries.
and my uterus.
the hysterectomy?
that was the precautionary step.
that was the insurance,
because the LEEP procedure that i had
back in july? it
had gotten all of the cancer.
all of it.
but to be
sure...absolutely postitive,
the rest needed to be explored.
the icing on the no-more-cancer cake?
no more menstrual cycle.
and i will go through menopause when i am supposed to.
not a second before.
PAP smears every three months, for the next two years?
that, i can handle.
the healing and other self home-care that i have to endure?
i can think of worse.
five weeks ago, i was told that i had very aggressive
cervical cancer that was estimated to be at stage 2.
the difference between then, and now? extreme.
no chemo.
no radiation.
i know that there are others who have very different outcomes.
and for them, i will say a prayer every day.
i will send healing, positive energy.
and i ask you to do the same.
i will not take this second chance for granted.